The Following detailed list of pallet terms & definitions will assist you in understanding pallet components and design elements.

Block Pallet
A type of pallet with blocks between the pallet decks or beneath the top deck
Butted Deckboard
An inner deckboard placed tightly against an adjacent lead deckboard during pallet assembly
Bottom Deck
Assembly of deckboards comprising the lower, load bearing surface of the pallet
Chamfered Deckboards
Deckboards with edges of one or two faces beveled, either along the full or specified length of board or between the stringers of blocks, allowing easier entry of pallet jack wheels
Closed distribution system
Shipping system restricted to moving goods between specified plants and facilities
Combo Pallet
A pallet built with a mixture of new and used components. Combo pallets can have new stringers and used deck boards or new deck boards and used stringers. Combo pallet can yield significant cost savings over new pallets.
Custom Pallet
A Pallet built to your specific design requirements
Element or component of a pallet deck, oriented perpendicular to the stringer or stringerboard
Deckboard Spacing
Distance between adjacent deckboards
Deckboard Span
Distance between deckboard supports (stringers, stringerboards or blocks)
The amount of deformation or bending in a pallet or pallet component under load
Double-Face Pallet
A pallet with top and bottom decks
Double-Wing Pallet
A pallet with top and bottom deckboards extending beyond the edges of the stringers or stringerboards
Economic Life
Output from PDS© program which identifies the number of trips the pallet will make, provided it is properly repaired, which maximizes a return on investment
Expendable Pallet
A pallet intended for a series of handlings during a single trip from shipper to receiver; it is then disposed
Flush Pallet
A pallet with deckboards flush with the stringers, stringer-boards or blocks along the sides of the pallet
Fork Entry
Opening between decks, beneath the top deck or beneath the stringer notch to admit forks
Four-Way Block Pallet
A pallet with openings at both pallet ends and along pallet sides sufficient to admit hand-pallet jacks; full four-way entry pallet
Hand (Wheel) Jack Opening
Space provided in the bottom deck to allow pallet jack wheels to bear on the floor
Wood from broad-leaved species of trees (not necessarily hard or dense)
Heat Treated Pallets
ISPM 15 Compliant Pallets-Export Pallets – International Phytosanitary Measure known as ISPM 15. Compliance involves Heat Treating pallets to reduce the risk of introduction and/or spread of quarantined pests. International Regulation ISPM 15 Due to international regulations, heat treatment is an increasing concern for companies shipping products using wood pallets. The international export standard, ISPM 15, requires that all wood packaging material be heat-treated at a core temperature of 135º degrees Fareinheight for a minimum of 35 minutes. This regulation eliminates the presence of pests found in wood thereby protecting crops and forests in other parts of the world. Certification is Necessary for Compliance – Atlas Pallet is inspected on a monthly basis by NELMA. Our IPPC certification allows us to stamp all heat-treated pallets in compliance with ISPM 15.
Inner Deckboard
Any deckboard located between the end deckboards
Refers to the stringer or stringerboard (in block pallets) length; also refers to the first dimension given to describe a pallet i.e., 48″x 40″, where 48″ is the pallet stringer/stringerboard length
Load Bearing Surface
Actual area of material in contact with and supporting a unit load
Non-Reversible Pallet
A pallet with bottom deckboard configuration different from top deck
Cutout in lower portion of the stringer to allow entry for the fork lift, usually 9″ in length, 1 1/2″ in depth
Notched Stringer
A stringer with two notches spaced for fork-tine entry, (partial four-way entry)
Opening Height
The vertical distance measured between decks, from the floor to the underside of the top deck, or from the floor to the top of the stringer notch
Overall Height
The vertical distance measured from the floor to the top side of the top deck
The distance the deck extends from the outer edge of the stringer or stringerboard; wing; lip; distance the unit load extends beyond the deck
A portable, horizontal, rigid platform used as a base for assembling, storing, stacking, handling and transporting goods as a unit load, often equipped with a superstructure
Reliability-based computer-aided design (CAD) program, for determining the safe load carrying capacity, performance, life and economy of wooden pallets
Pallet Dimensions
When specifying pallet size, the stringer or stringerboard (block pallet) length is always expressed first; for example, a 48″ x 40″ pallet has a 48″ stringer or stringerboard and 40″ deckboards
Pallet Jack
Hand-propelled wheeled platform, equipped with a lifting device for moving palletized unit loads
Pallet Life
The period during which the pallet remains useful, expressed in units of time or in the number of one-way trips
Pallet Top
A single-faced platform comprised of deckboards and stringerboards placed on top of a unit load to protect the top edges of the unit load from damage caused by banding.
Panel Deck Pallet
Pallet constructed with composite or structural panel top deck
Partial Four-Way Stringer Pallet
A pallet with notched stringers
Racked Across Deckboards
Output from PDS© program describing the maximum load carrying capacity and deflection of a pallet where the rack frame supports the pallet only at the ends of the deckboards
Racked Across Stringers
Output from the PDS© program describing the maximum load carrying capacity and deflection of a pallet where the rack frame supports the pallet only at the ends of the stringers or stringer boards
To remake in order to use again
Recycled, repaired, reconditioned pallet
A pallet which has been repaired to usefulness – there are a variety of grades available to meet your desired utility and price point.
Rental Pallet
A pallet owned by a third party, different from the actual pallet user
Returnable/Reusable Pallet
A pallet designed to be used for more than one trip
Reversible Pallet
A pallet with identical top and bottom decks
Shipping Pallet
Pallet designed to be used for a single one-way trip from shipper to receiver; it is then disposed;
Single-Wing Pallet
A pallet with the top deckboards extending beyond the edges of the stringers or stringer-boards with the bottom deckboards flush (if present)
A pallet having no bottom deck
Solid Deck Pallet
A pallet constructed with no spacing between deckboards
The distance between stringer or block supports
Thin flat bands used to secure load to pallet
Continuous, longitudinal, solid or notched beam-component of the pallet used to support deck components, often identified by location as the outside or center stringer
In block pallets, continuous, solid board member extending for the full length of the pallet perpendicular to deckboard members and placed between deckboards and blocks
Top-Deck of the Pallet
The assembly of deckboards comprising the upper load-carrying surface of the pallet
Trailer Drop Service
Atlas will furnish a trailer at you site to be filled and then hauled away at your convenience
Two-Way Entry Pallet
A pallet with un-notched solid stringers allowing entry only from the ends
Unit Load
Assembly of goods on a pallet for handling, moving, storing and stacking as a single entity
Warehouse Pallet
A double-face multiple trip returnable pallet intended for general warehouse use
Overhang of deckboard end from outside edge of stringer or stringer-board